Day 6 in Sydney — Outfield to Blue Mountain

<p>After 5 days of visiting places in Sydney center, we finally traveled a bit outfield, by taking a guided tour to the famed Blue Mountain area. It was not in our original plan, but upon reviewing it and seeing that we had a more or less free and easy day, we scouted for a good place around the wider Sydney area, and Blue Mountain came out top. So we booked the tour with the highest rating online, which surprisingly was still not sold out yet. The price was quite steep (probably that was why it was still not yet full even though we booked at the last minute), but we never regretted our spontaneous decision. It turned out to be a highlight of our Australia trip, something we still recall with favorable memories after one year.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blue Mountain