What Did the First Blue-Eyed Person Look Like?

<p>Ifyou have blue eyes, chances are you&rsquo;re related to everyone else who has blue eyes. Blue eyes are now the second most prevalent eye color after brown, accounting for 8&ndash;10% of humans.</p> <p>But unlike brown eyes, we can trace the origin of blue eyes to a single common ancestor.</p> <p>Scientists believe the first individual with blue eyes lived between 10,000 and 6,000 years ago around the Black Sea region. We haven&rsquo;t yet been able to find out who it was. But we have enough evidence to make an educated guess.</p> <p>A 7,000-year-old skeleton discovered in a cave in Northern Spain may give us a glimpse of the earliest known blue-eyed human. But, before we learn more about this person and what he looked like, let&rsquo;s find out why some of us have blue eyes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/frame-of-reference/what-did-the-first-blue-eyed-person-look-like-aac3a818da62"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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