Birding bloopers

<p>&ldquo;Are you sure?&rdquo; asked my husband, and he came to see for himself. He could not be certain either, and that was the problem. The bird was a beautiful buff-pink with white flashes on the wings and a few blue feathers. It was merrily eating all of the peanuts, so quite clearly it was a jay&hellip; or was it?</p> <p>We had a lovely big garden at our new house with plenty of mature trees and leafy shrubs. The tits were easy to identify for a pair of complete novices like us. We had both sorts, blue and great. Well, how were we supposed to know there were so many types? The starlings were easy too, as were the blackbirds and the pigeons&hellip; or were they collared doves?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>