What does it mean to claim you are “white”?

<p>What does the term &ldquo;white&rdquo; mean when attached to people or an individual claiming they are &ldquo;white&rdquo;?</p> <p>Since 2020 when BLM took off, I have been reading about racism. I have read Ibram Kendi, Robin Diangelo and I continue to read many medium articles on racism. The one universal from most is that &ldquo;white people&rdquo; are the problem. They have created all the world&rsquo;s evils and perpetuate those evils today. This culminated with Scott Adams reacting to a Rasmussen survey question of &ldquo;Are white people bad?&rdquo; What even makes that question valid? It really got me to thinking about the label &ldquo;white&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@rogue4gay/what-does-it-mean-to-claim-you-are-white-0d7c2b844ad0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: BLM