My Life as a Mixed Race Person While Supporting the BLM Movement Pt. 2

<p>The BLM Movement protests have died down, but the Movement itself is still going. The thing is, has it helped or hurt things? We now have lynchings, more pronounced racism, more pronounced prejudice, more hate. On the other end, statues of known racists and oppressors like Robert E Lee and Christopher Columbus have been taken down. Reforming of the police system is going on in multiple states. But the neutral side of things is that we still have a racist government running things. History is being erased, once again, and in a very skewed and feared way, be that for better or worse. And the open conversation about racism has become completely skewed as well. It&rsquo;s a white on black discussion and anything outside of that, especially when trying to discuss things with black people, is something to attack.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: BLM Movement