Finding Balance in Life’s Blessings and Challenge

<p>As we greet each day we really do have an opportunity to choose our mindset. We can wake up, let every worry and concern flood into our thoughts to be chewed on and worried over the rest of the day. We can also, wake up, put up a mental hand halting those thoughts, sending them into timeout and then take some time to consider all that we&rsquo;re grateful for.</p> <p>Gratitude doesn&rsquo;t have to be the big things. Somedays I start off with gratitude for it being a new day, or the presence of my two feline companions. Taking time, in a thoughtful, deliberate way really can shift the channel when it comes to dealing with the problems life presents us.</p> <p>Instead of feeling overwhelmed with the problems, we realize those problems have to share the stage. Instead of making the stage bigger, the problems have to fit into their own space alongside what you&rsquo;re grateful for.</p> <p>I know some people think the idea of having a positive mindset and being grateful has to be exclusive. If you have that mindset then you never let negative ideas in or think on problems. That&rsquo;s not true. Life is a balance, both the positive and the negative have their place. It&rsquo;s just really easy to let the negative have a disproportional share of your thoughts.</p> <p>We become what we think. Bringing gratitude into your thoughts and attitude starts to open your heart to an awareness of other blessings. Sometimes those blessings come from inside the problems.</p> <p>Early in the pandemic my vehicle died. Now I could have spent time bemoaning that I didn&rsquo;t have a vehicle in the middle of a pandemic. Had I done that, I would have missed the blessing of the wonderful kind people in my life who are willing to help me out getting the things I need. I&rsquo;m grateful for them every day, not only for their kindness but their reminder of the goodness people have in them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>