What Are Christmas Blessings?

<p>A blessing is an expression of grace that uplifts and nourishes a person, being, or place. And to me, &ldquo;grace&rdquo; is not an undeserved favor or God forgiving us for our sins.</p> <p>Grace is us tapping into the patterns of harmony or of loving, suffusing kindness that come from the ultimate pattern-weaver, i.e., from Source (also referred to as God).</p> <p>I feel &ldquo;grace-ful&rdquo; or full of grace&nbsp;<em>or&nbsp;</em>able to access grace in most moments of every day.</p> <p>Feeling graceful, i.e. having&nbsp;<em>some&nbsp;</em>feeling of well-being, contentment, peace, and appreciation, for me, springs from believing that we all have an unbreakable bond with Source.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/publishous/what-are-christmas-blessings-a371fad8cbcf"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>