“Bleeding Kansas” — Violent Resistance to the Violence of Whiteness

<p>In the best of times, political divisions and debates need not lead to violence. Today &mdash; arguably, not the best of times &mdash; we have people in the United States, mostly on the extreme Christian nationalist right, whose political passions inspire them to speak glibly of the inevitability of a new American civil war.[i]</p> <p>When debates in politics cease being civil, the desire for civil war can begin to gain traction among the most ardent of true believers. Civil wars are not only intensely violent but also intensely personal. Is it time to take MAGA-inspired fantasies of civil war seriously? As always, history, if we care to learn from it, can broaden our perspective and help us find answers.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@regie.stites/bleeding-kansas-violent-resistance-to-the-violence-of-whiteness-80f05f901b5b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>