My Black Boys told me to tell you…

<p>This weekend I had the opportunity to zoom with my mentoring group of all black boys. Although we were supposed to discuss a book we&rsquo;ve been reading, I knew it was going to be a conversation about the recent events around race relations in our country. The boys needed the space. And, quite frankly, so did I.</p> <p>I haven&rsquo;t been able to put together the words to explain the complexity of chaos that exists in the country right now. We&rsquo;re in the midst of multiple crises and the United States has so many bad habits, coupled with poor leadership, I know it is not prepared to learn any lessons. I&rsquo;m a man. I&rsquo;ve seen this before. I have calluses that shield some of the pain of these fresh wounds. But, if I am at a loss for words, how must these black boys feel and be processing the confusion in their soul? We talked and a space was created for them to just be boys who are trying to understand.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blacks Boys