Blackness Is A Cage

<p>I still remember the day I learned that I couldn&rsquo;t take my blackness for granted.</p> <p>I was around 11 years old, it was the first day of summer camp, and I was looking for friends. So I scanned the room and made a beeline for the only other kid with a Transformers lunchbox. His name was Rafi.</p> <p>We started with the standard &ldquo;get to know each other&rdquo; questions; which Transformer was the coolest? Favourite ninja turtle? Could Batman win a fight against Spiderman? But something seemed to be bothering him. After a few minutes, in that way only 11-year-olds can, he spat it out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Blackness