Bits of Buildings Part 1

<p>There is a perhaps understandable instinct when taking a photograph of a building or anything else to try to get it all in. If you are wandering down the street and spot a building which you consider interesting you might cross the road or use a wide angle lens to include as much of it as possible in the frame. But what first caught your eye, what first made you think the building was worth a photo or two, was probably some small detail: a door or a window, the brickwork or the masonry, a sign, some mysterious little thingumy of unfathomable purpose.</p> <p>I often therefore make a conscious decision to photograph these odd details. It&rsquo;s quite simple: just stop and take the photo. No crossing the road to get more in, no zooming out or changing to a wide angle lens. The resulting photographs can at the same time feel absolutely familiar and yet strangely different. Familiar because they portray those things we see all the time without giving them much thought. Different because we are unused to seeing them in photographs.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: BITS Buildings