Bitcoin: The Cards Are All Lining Up

<p>2023 continues to be the year that all of the cards are seemingly lining up for Bitcoin to do something special in the short term. It isn&rsquo;t a question of if the price will go up, instead, it&rsquo;s only a question of how much.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s take a trip back to the beginning of the year. Bitcoin was in a dark place. It was just coming off of the FTX fraud, and its price had fallen to $15k. The enthusiasm in the market had disappeared, and even financial experts were declaring that perhaps the death blow had finally been dealt to Bitcoin. But as soon as this began to be discussed, the banking crisis around the US took place. Banks were going under, and even freezing customer funds. That was the moment when people finally understood the real value of Bitcoin, and the price reacted; soaring up to $31k.</p> <p>There were a few months of quiet, and the price began to sink again. But then came the largest news in years for Bitcoin. BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world, announced that they were filing for a spot Bitcoin ETF. If anyone had a chance to have the mythical Bitcoin spot ETF approved, it would be BlackRock. This was always thought to be the catalyst that would eventually send the price of Bitcoin to $100k and beyond.</p> <p>Naturally, there was another month where next to nothing happened. But then XRP/Ripple won their lawsuit against the SEC. While this technically doesn&rsquo;t involve Bitcoin, it still has everything to do with it. With XRP being declared that it&rsquo;s not a security. It gave a huge boost of confidence to the entire market. Something that we have only begun to see the effects of.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bitcoin Cards