Bitcoin: The Calm Before The Storm

<p>There is a storm brewing on the horizon, and most people don&rsquo;t even see it coming. That storm is Bitcoin, and it is about to change everything. It&rsquo;ll be unlike any storm you have ever seen before. Lives will be changed financially forever. Some will amass incredible riches, while others will lose everything.</p> <p>However, if you were to look at the current landscape of the cryptocurrency market, that previous statement would seem as far from reality as possible. After all, during the last few months, Bitcoin has been behaving much more like a stablecoin, rather than the highly volatile crypto asset that it is. Ending days and weeks with the price staying within the same price range, moving up or down by only a hundred dollars or more. Most people new to Bitcoin aren&rsquo;t even aware of its true behavior. That when Bitcoin finally wakes up, it moves with a vengeance. In other financial markets such as stocks, days where the market moves up or day by 3% to 5% are major headline events. With Bitcoin, that is just another Monday. In fact, when Bitcoin finally does wake up, days, where it moves should be expected.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bitcoin Storm