Bitcoin: 5 Reasons it’s Not Going Anywhere

<p>Is it just a fad? A ponzi scheme? Rat poison to be avoided at all costs?</p> <p>It might be sensible to assume so. After all, there certainly are elements of the above to be found in bitcoin. And remaining sceptical offers protection against financial ruin.</p> <p>So why hasn&rsquo;t it collapsed yet? Why has the bitcoin bubble continued to inflate? And why, after 15 years, are intelligent people still promoting this new innovation?</p> <p>The truth is, no one knows. Bitcoin, and its future, are a mystery. To enthusiasts, the question mark surrounding bitcoin is the cause of excitement and hope, to detractors, the cause of fear and derision.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bitcoin