BitCanna Monthly Update: February 2024

<p>It is nearly the last day of February 2024, signaling time for a new development update. Here, you will find news about mobile app testing, CoinMarketCap, CoinMerce, work on our blockchain, and the introduction of a new element of the BitCanna project. Read on!</p> <h2>Mobile App Testing</h2> <p>We are now just over a week into the testing phase of our mobile app, in collaboration with a dedicated group of volunteers. So far, no major issues have been discovered. However, we have received some valuable suggestions for enhancing the app before its public release. We will allow a brief period for further testing before implementing these improvements. Concurrently, we are preparing for the app&rsquo;s official launch. Stay tuned for updates!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>