How are bird migrations visualized?

<p>Bird migration is the annual, large scale movement of birds from locations of lower food and nesting resources to locations with higher resources. Bird migration is important to study because it gives us insights on bird movements, their behavior, and relevant concepts such as bird evolution, climate change, habitat, and species conservation. Bird migration charts are tools to visualize these complex bird movements across the globe which are relevant for scientific as well as general public consumption. Collecting data to create these visualizations is difficult and is done by using different methods like bird ringing, counting, radio and satellite tracking, geo-logging, radar tracking. The data collection method used has an impact on how the bird migration chart is visualized. This report summarizes current state-of-the-art tools used for the data collection on bird migration and the visualization tools that support the discovery and advancement of the field.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>