The Fall and Rise of the Bipartisan State

<p>Both houses of the US Congress are each held by one of our two parties and only held by the slimmest of majorities. When no one has a clear majority, what used to be called a mandate, the only way things get done is to work with the other side in good faith.</p> <p>Bipartisanship, in other words. For the entire history of our country, that is how things have become law. Until, that is, the Presidency of Donald Trump, a self-proclaimed expert on negotiation who doesn&rsquo;t actually know anything about negotiating, because it necessitates compromise.</p> <p>And compromise and bipartisanship became dirty words in the Republican Party under his leadership and for many in the far right wing of the Party they remain a sign of weakness. But their numbers are shrinking and this past week we saw their extremely conservative House Speaker embrace compromise, and work with the Democrats to temporarily keep the government open.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>