REVIEW: Biore Cleansing Oil Make Up Remover

<p>Biore is a skincare brand from Japan that has so many products that have been spread in almost every Indonesian drugstore. One of the well-known Biore products is cleansing oil, namely Biore Cleansing Oil Make Up Remover which is an oil based facial cleansing product. As we know, especially for those who use make-up on a daily basis, using facial wash only will not be enough to remove dirt on the face, because facial wash is only able to clean the surface, so it is possible that the pores will be clogged by dirt that has not been lifted to the maximum. Using cleansing oil as a first cleanser is one of the right steps to clean all the rest of the sunscreen, foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, and so on, so that it can be lifted perfectly from the skin pores.</p> <p>Biore Cleansing Oil Make Up Remover does not cause irritation to the skin, is practical, and can be used for all skin types. In addition, there are other benefits that are provided according to their claims, namely:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>