How to overcome common objections to bike lanes

<p>In my 3+ years of local advocacy I&rsquo;ve heard every objection under the sun to putting in safe bike infrastructure. It seems that no one objects to bike lanes themselves, but they object to the reallocation of space that make safe bike lanes possible. Drivers seem to view roads as&nbsp;<em>exclusively</em>&nbsp;for them, and that any other proposed use is blasphemy. Note that most of this is specific to LA, but the objections (and retorts) are usually the same everywhere. Also, while I focused on bike lanes below, many of these same arguments can be made for bus lanes or neighborhood traffic calming. Here are some objections I&rsquo;ve heard and how to overcome them:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bike lanes