It Is Time To Make Bigots Famous.

<p>If racist white bigots did not come out in mass to obstruct&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Ruby Bridges</a>, a precious six-year-old black girl, from attending school and necessitating an armed escort, we would never know her name.</p> <p>The reason artwork exists, which memorializes this shameful day when the failure of American humanity was laid bare, is that throngs of violent cowards came to a school to intimidate a black child. Ruby was<strong><em>&nbsp;six years old</em></strong>, and white people thought the best use of their time was harassing her and hurling insults at her. I want to know who these people are.</p> <p>I want to understand why they thought this was a good use of their time. I want to hear first-hand accounts from them or their family members about the time their relative(s) dropped everything they were doing to intimidate a little black girl. If we must learn about Ruby, then we need to give names to the nameless mobs of snarling white faces spitting venom at black people who want to live their lives free of scorn and hate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bigots Famous