Bienvenido a Miami

<p>The land of promises had not panned out as the last generation expected.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m ecstatic to have disappeared &mdash; free from endless flat terrain, limitless family obligations, and monotonous drug-induced highs.</p> <p>Dominique&rsquo;s far away now.</p> <p>Her shining dimple is gone, missed sorely when it rose as she&rsquo;d smiled, slipped when she&rsquo;d frowned, jumped when she&rsquo;d laughed, and motionless when she&rsquo;d given me the silent treatment.</p> <p>Sexy, yet scrutinizing &mdash; overly so &mdash; tough, street-smart communication skills served up to me regularly, rich brain food that digested into my soul for better or worse.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>