How About That? Joe Biden Won by Write-in Votes in New Hampshire

<p>Who knew that Vermin Supreme was in the running, only to be outdone by an 80-year-old influence salesman?</p> <p>54,570 people who bothered to vote in this election, made the effort to write-in or type-in Joe Biden&rsquo;s name to ensure that he won those delegates from the &quot;Live Free Or Die&rdquo; state. These people are really, really organized. But more importantly, they show us that &ldquo;Yes Margaret, people really can win elections by write-in votes&rdquo;.</p> <p>I just thought that was significant enough to ask a question. What would happen if everyone in America just wrote in whoever they wanted for president (or pick your office)? It&#39;s entirely possible that our next statehouse member, Congress Critter or even president, could be elected without any consultations from any political parties.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Biden Won