On Coaching in a Biased World

<p>Presenting as a white woman means that I am judged from a positive space and generally seen as capable, trustworthy, experienced. I am viewed as being deserving of respect by default. By default is the key here. With no actions or speaking at all, I am judged as being deserving of respect.</p> <p>Recently, I was coaching a non-white woman in tech, she is newer to the field and the topic of leadership came up. I asked her if she often speaks up to share her viewpoints or ideas during team meetings. She admitted that she didn&rsquo;t and that it was something she knew she needed to do more often.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@kimberleeaw/on-coaching-in-a-biased-world-83192639cdb7"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Biased world