Bhagavad Gita: Understanding One Shloka at a Time. (Chp. 4, Verse 29) — HBR Patel

<p>In this Verse, Bhagwan Shri Krishna explains the unique way of weaving devotional aspects in the simple, automatic, involuntary, and rhythmic act of Breathing. In the fast-paced world, where humans find it hard to savor the proper cooked food and opt for fast foods, who would have thought that centuries ago, Bhagwan Shri Krishna highlighted a simple way of Yagna to Arjun in the battlefield of Kurushektra that would echo until eternity &amp; beyond and guide the humans to offer devotion to Bhagwan is a simple act of breathing consciously.</p> <p>Bhagwan Shri Krishna discusses the practice of pranayam, emphasizing the technique of offering the exhalation into the inhalation, and vice versa. This reciprocal exchange of breath is regarded as worship or yagna. The method involves Kumbhak, the intentional pause between inhalation and exhalation. Through this practice, individuals consecrate each breath as an offering in the sacred act of yagna.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Shri Krishna