The Bewitching Magic of the “Ass” Intensifier

<p>Which is to say that unlike its boring-ass friend, &ldquo;very,&rdquo; which primly insists on fussing around behind whatever adjective it&rsquo;s supposed to be intensifying, &ldquo;ass&rdquo; slips in like an assassin (sorry) and intensifies the unsuspecting adjective&nbsp;<em>after</em>&nbsp;the fact but before the noun has a chance to reach the crime scene and survey the damage. Returning to the vernal clownery where we started by way of an example, one could say (depending on the politeness of the company), &ldquo;That&rsquo;s one horny-ass cock robin!&rdquo; but never, &ldquo;That cock robin is horny-ass.&rdquo;&sup1;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>