Beware the IRA

<p>Living my life in a contrarian and eccentric manner surely has its ups and downs. On the upside, and as a man who almost never worked a 9 to 5 job, I get to do all the things that draw crowds (movies, hiking et al) when the crowds are at work. Mostly, I get to sleep when I&rsquo;m tired. And I rarely if ever set an alarm clock. But just recently, I&rsquo;ve been smacked upside the head by my alt life.</p> <p>On the advice of almost everybody I&rsquo;ve ever known, I faithfully made maximum deposits to my IRA account every year. It seemed like a wise decision at the time. But here&rsquo;s the problem. Accountants and advisers assume that people make more money before they reach retirement age than they do once they get old and stop working. That&rsquo;s the whole idea. Take the deduction when you live in a high-income bracket and then give the money back when you reach the age when the government requires that you begin to withdraw &mdash; and pay a lower tax rate when you&rsquo;re old and earning less.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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