One thing macOS does better than Windows

<p>Why on earth does Windows allow me to delete files by just pressing one button? Deleting files is something that really should not happen by accident, but that is what sometimes happens to me on Windows. You just have to miss the enter key by half a centimeter, and you accidentally delete all your files instead of opening them. Sure, you have the bin to restore the deleted files, but it still makes much more sense to have to press two keys to delete files. That&rsquo;s what macOS does, where you have to press command and backspace to remove the selected files.</p> <h2>File preview</h2> <p>This makes so much sense on macOS. You can get a quick preview of a file by just pressing the space bar. You can see the content of the most common file types without having to open them in a separate application. This is especially useful for photos or PDF files. If you want to go through a bunch of photos and delete the ones you don&rsquo;t like: You just select the first file in your list of photos, press the space bar, and then you can navigate through your photos using the arrow keys, and it will automatically switch the preview to the file you navigated to. Then you can just delete single files using command + backspace without even leaving preview mode. That&rsquo;s pretty convenient. Windows File Explorer doesn&rsquo;t have such functionality.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Windows Better