The 4 ways to make better decisions

<p>Early this year, I travelled to South America and went river rafting in Patagonia. It was beautiful. As we floated downriver, the sun began its golden descent towards the distant volcano. Its deep purple silhouette rising into focus. There were crisscrossing conversations as our guide pointed out beautiful things. We reacted in awe. It was a fantastic experience, yet I struggled in an unfamiliar place. I was trying to communicate in Spanish while learning to paddle a raft. How presumptive to think it would be easy!</p> <p>This story defines sensemaking. Making sense is when the current state of the world is different from how you expected it to be. In my account, I assumed river rafting in Patagonia was a leisurely experience. But, it was a continuous process dealing with little problems, thus making sense of the world.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>