Besotted with Buenos Aires

<p><em>&ldquo;It has all the elegance of the old world, in its buildings and streets, and in its people all the vulgarity and frank good health of the new world. All the news &mdash; stands and bookshops &mdash; what a literate place, one thinks; what wealth, what good looks.&rdquo;</em></p> <h2>&mdash; Paul Theroux on Buenos Aires, from&nbsp;<strong>The Old Patagonian Express</strong></h2> <p>The wealth that once was is largely gone from Buenos Aires, but everything else that Theroux said about this most personable and shining city by the sea remains true to life, especially the bit about good looks.</p> <p>There are broad boulevards lined with colonnaded buildings. Chateaux with mansard roofs speckle the avenues of Buenos Aires like arriviste royalty, making parts of the city look suspiciously like Paris.</p> <p>There are also pleasant and leafy neighbourhoods filled with cafes, quirky shops and some of the most beautiful people I&rsquo;ve seen on any street in any city.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Buenos Aires