Much Beloved Father

<p>When we married, there was no way my husband&rsquo;s family could come to our wedding from Iran. To date, I&rsquo;ve still never met any of his family in person &mdash; only on screen in video chats. Even then, it wasn&rsquo;t much of a meet and greet; they do not speak English. We didn&rsquo;t have that option when we married &mdash; so, I never even got to mug for the camera to &ldquo;meet&rdquo; his quite elderly father.</p> <p>His father was older than my grandmother. He was born in 1912; she was born in 1918. Abbas, his father, died in 1996 at the age of 84, shortly before Thanksgiving.</p> <p>A few months later, for our anniversary that year, I created this portrait from a couple of black and white photos of his father. I chose the skin and eye color from Hamid&rsquo;s coloring. As I observed in others of my grandparents&rsquo; generation, people usually become paler with age. So, I adjusted the tones in the portrait on the presumption that, in his advanced age, Abbas would have been paler than Hamid.</p> <h2><strong><em>This portrait graces the mantle over my corner fireplace</em></strong></h2> <p>The artwork was done with Bruynzeel colored pencils on&nbsp;<a href=";qid=1696524752&amp;refinements=p_n_feature_two_browse-bin%3A107246123011&amp;rnid=107245738011&amp;s=arts-crafts&amp;sr=1-2&amp;th=1" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Strathmore</a>&nbsp;cold-press illustration board. The heavier board allows for much better color saturation.&nbsp;<a href=";keywords=bruynzeel+colored+pencils&amp;qid=1696523600&amp;s=arts-crafts&amp;sprefix=bruynzeel+colored+pencils%2Carts-crafts%2C74&amp;sr=1-3" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Bruynzeel</a>&nbsp;colored pencils are the best brand I&rsquo;ve tried. There is an almost translucent purity to the colors. And, the leads in the pencils stand up to sharpening without breaking &mdash; unlike, for example, Crayola&reg; colored pencils.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beloved Father