Belonging Again (Part 49)

<p>Can meaning give us &ldquo;rest?&rdquo; This question brings to mind &ldquo;The Meaning Crisis,&rdquo; as discussed by Dr. John Vervaeke, and &ldquo;meaning&rdquo; certainly seems necessary for a fulfilling life. In fact, it would seem that those who believe in X who don&rsquo;t have a purpose can be as alienated and &ldquo;restless&rdquo; as those who don&rsquo;t believe in X (suggesting why ultimately we need X/x) (please note I will be using &ldquo;purpose&rdquo; and &ldquo;meaning&rdquo; interchangeably in this section, though distinctions can be made elsewhere). Light without something to shine it upon is a bright void, but a void all the same. Humans need purpose, and at the end of the day sports, college, sex, creativity, work, desire, acts of peace, acts of justice, acts of inclusion, acts of the therapeutic, acts of self-denial, and so on are all examples of possible sources from which humans can derive meaning (some more powerful than others). Meaning is an essential human need.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Belonging