Millennials and Gen-Z Have a Right to Complain about being Poorer than our Parents

<p>Working class Millennials and Gen-Z have a right to complain about being poorer than our parents &mdash;&nbsp;<em>because we are</em>. When you adjust incomes to inflation, most of us are making much less money than our parents did at our age.</p> <p>We don&rsquo;t remember the &lsquo;good old days&rsquo; where one income was enough to support a family. Most of us have been working all our lives, with very little to show for it. Many of us even remember both of our parents having to work, since we were the &lsquo;latch-key kids&rsquo; of the 1980&rsquo;s and 1990&rsquo;s, coming home after school to take care of ourselves.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Millennials