Behind the Door: The Dark Truths and Untold Stories of Cecil Hotel by Amy Price (Review)

<p>When Amy Price walked into the Cecil Hotel for an interior decorating job, she had no idea that she&rsquo;d spend the next decade working as a general manager for one of the most notorious hotels in American history. From serial killers to mysterious deaths to homeless people who have nowhere else to live, Amy Price shares some of her experiences from behind the door of the Cecil Hotel.</p> <p>I went into &ldquo;Behind the Door&rdquo; expecting to find interesting tidbits about the Cecil. I wanted to hear about the people who stayed there and how it&rsquo;s reputation for death and evil forces have affected her job as a manager. While she does discuss some of the tenants and Elisa Lam&rsquo;s death, it is brief and quickly swept under the rug. I appreciate that Price loved her time there and wanted to show how much work she put into restoring it to what it was supposed to be, but I found she came across as self absorbed and rather uncaring towards her customers.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Behind Door