10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Real Estate Agent

<p>Itwas March 10th. We had just passed our licensing test, and we sat down in the Re/Max office ready to get our new venture as real estate agents started. Here are the ten things I personally wished I had known that day.</p> <h2>1) Lenders Mean Everything</h2> <p>It didn&rsquo;t take long for us to realize that lenders make the real estate market go round.&nbsp;<em>You have got to refer good lender</em>&nbsp;and hope and pray that your clients choose to use them. If you have a deal with a bad lender, you&rsquo;ll be screaming the entire way. From $9,000 in closing costs on a $180,000 loan to 3 days of delays between replies, bad lenders can and will drive you insane. Meanwhile, a great lender will help you get to closing and solve problems before you even have to ask. Get some great lenders and form relationships with them.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@NicKing/10-things-to-know-before-becoming-a-realtor-403faf60986c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>