Beds, Bugs, and Beyond

<p>Infestations of bedbugs, which are commonly found on mattresses, couches, and other surfaces where people sleep, have been reported in all 50 states. In the interest of public health, President Trump and The Trump Administration&reg;, a new division of The Trump Organization&reg;, would like to inform all Americans of their rights and responsibilities in preventing further infestations.</p> <p><strong>What are bedbugs?</strong><br /> Bedbugs are small, wingless insects that sneak into Americans&rsquo; homes in the dead of night, completely ignoring all boundaries and borders. They then proceed to invade our personal space and reproduce right under our noses before revealing their true agenda: to feed on our blood while we sleep. Not that color is what&rsquo;s important here, so don&rsquo;t go crying to the ACLU about it, but adult bedbugs are reddish-brown in color, while innocent, blameless baby bedbugs are white. Hey, facts are facts&mdash;except when they&rsquo;re lies about President Trump, of course.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beds Bugs