Strange Bedfellows

<p>I read there are over 600 ethnicities. Race was created by slave traders in the 1600s to justify harsh slavery of Africans. It doesnt exist. It is a false concept. Ethnicity exists. So does bigotry, prejudice and bias. Also, discrimination exists, sometimes based on bigotry and that we call racism. I call it unjust discrimination.<br /> The word racism is now used mostly by anti racists to perpetuate the false myth of racial categories. It is the Emperor&rsquo;s New Clothes. It just doesn&rsquo;t exist. Yet Anti Racism appeals to the weak minded who are manipulated by hucksters and poverty pimps who annoint themselves priests of the religion of anti racism and live on as the strange bedfellow beside the white supremist/neo nazi. Both are fools.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>