The Beauty of Hindi: Discovering respect for its simplicity in dealing with complexity

<p>Teaching English to a kid is hard. Even for us, the fluent ones.</p> <p>There&rsquo;re so many questions, which are so hard to be explained to a kindergartner.</p> <p>Why isn&rsquo;t cow written as cou?<br /> Then why tow becomes t-o and not tou?<br /> Why it&rsquo;s pencil, not pensil?<br /> Why isn&rsquo;t Queue simply Q?<br /> Why do C and K have similar sounds?<br /> Why is &lsquo;sh&rsquo; combined pronounced so differently than s+h?<br /> Why are phonics and alphabet sounds so different?<br /> The same U changes its sound depending on which position it is being used at.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: beauty Hindi