Beautiful Thinker: Lindsay Adler, fashion photographer, on starting a business at 15, redefining femininity, and the symbolism of the color red.
<p><strong>As I’ve been looking through your work, I’ve noticed that the color red seems to be important. Why do you think that is?</strong><br />
That’s a fun question to start with. I think the color red began as an accident. Really it stems from the first photo I ever took that looked like my style. When I was in college, I was going through the, the artistic crisis of like<em>, who am I as an artist</em>? <em>What do I want to be? What do I want to say?</em> I’d ordered these cyber punk, futuristic, weird-looking glasses. I bought them online and I took a photo where it was this red and white pinstripe on the glasses, almost like a swirled red lips, white out skin. I took the photo, and it was kind of like this universal hug. It was like, <em>Oh, this is me. This is my, my style. </em>It was using clothing, makeup, and the human form to make graphic art. So very clean, bold, graphic, geometric and colorful.</p>
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