The Beastie Boys Landmarks of Los Angeles

<p><em>In November of 2018, I pitched a story to the&nbsp;</em>Los Angeles Times&nbsp;<em>about Beastie Boys landmarks around L.A. It was tied to the release of the group&rsquo;s&nbsp;</em>Beastie Boys Book&nbsp;<em>and the live events that Michael Diamond and Adam Horovitz would perform at the Ricardo Montalb&aacute;n Theatre in Hollywood in support of it. My editor was into the idea and the piece was going to run in conjunction with a staff writer&rsquo;s article on the two surviving members of the group. I talked to a bunch of Beastie Boys&rsquo; friends and affiliates to learn about these spots and then spent an amazing day driving all over the city with a pregnant&nbsp;</em>L.A. Times&nbsp;<em>photographer named Christina House and&nbsp;</em><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Michael Delahaut</em></a><em>, who&rsquo;d been an invaluable help in identifying some of the locations.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Landmarks Los