From Beach Blonde & Bell Bottoms to Shaved Head, Who dis? How it felt to cut all my hair off, repeatedly.

<p>This story begins in Austin, TX. The summer of 2021 I was a full time DJ. I had three or more gigs a week and could feel myself burning out with each gig. I felt like I had to take something to put my personality on; whether that was micro dosing shrooms, taking E, drinking, or chugging coffee. I felt like the persona I was playing had to be up, up, up! All of the time.</p> <p>I started to get chalazions (basically a stye on the inside of the eyelid, not on the outside like a stye.) My eye swelled up so big, it was hard to see out of.</p> <p>I had a dream that depicted the chalazion as worms coming out of my eye and then back in through my mouth. It was disgusting but internally I knew the &ldquo;worms&rdquo; were guys in my life that I let have a little window of opportunity to be more than friends but still being inconsistent with them (hello, bipolar).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beach Blonde