Be an Engineer, not a Frameworker

<p>As always, caveats first:&nbsp;<strong>Engineers definitely&nbsp;<em>should</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>do</em>&nbsp;use frameworks.</strong>&nbsp;They&rsquo;re beautiful bits of engineering that get stuff done in a maintainable way.&nbsp;<strong>Frameworks are not the enemy of this article.</strong>&nbsp;Bravo, frameworks. OK, enough of that.</p> <p><em>Sorry, what are frameworks?</em>&nbsp;Frameworks are software tools that provide a scaffolding to complete software projects of a particular type. So if you want to write a single-page web app in TypeScript, you don&rsquo;t have to do it from scratch because there&rsquo;s&nbsp;Angular. Want to do some Machine Learning in Python? Allow me to introduce my friends&nbsp;Scikit-Learn&nbsp;and&nbsp;Keras. Want to write a backend in C#? (Oh my, you&rsquo;re&nbsp;<em>very</em>&nbsp;hip.) I&rsquo;m sure you already know about&nbsp;ASP.NET. I could do this for the next 1500 words, but you get the idea.</p> <p>If you know a framework, you can often get a job that has the word &ldquo;engineer&rdquo; in the title, and possibly &ldquo;machine learning&rdquo;. If you know&nbsp;<em>two</em>&nbsp;frameworks, you might get a job that also has the words &ldquo;full stack&rdquo; in the title. But your skill set needs to go much deeper than frameworks if you&rsquo;re going to have success in your&nbsp;<em>next</em>&nbsp;job &mdash; the one where you get hired because you had 3&ndash;5 years of &ldquo;engineering&rdquo; experience on your resume. Otherwise, you&rsquo;re going to be sitting in a very uncomfortable chair at that 90-day review.</p> <p>You may need to go on a journey. From Frameworker to Programmer to Engineer. Let&rsquo;s look at each of these phases of the journey. I&rsquo;ll describe each one and talk about what professional progress looks like for that phase.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>