Daily Itinerary of a Woman Who Wears Her Bathrobe to Brunch
<p>We’ve all been there: It’s a calm Sunday, you’re freshly showered, enjoying a steaming cup of coffee, indulging in the fluffy decadence that is your head-to-toe-length bathrobe.</p>
<p>Now, your well-meaning husband reminds you that you have plans to meet the couple that lives in the apartment below (who you’re desperately trying to befriend because they’re much cooler than you, and do things like visit farmer’s markets) for brunch.</p>
<p>You have to choose: cancel your plans, remain in the bathrobe, luxuriating in its fluffy folds? Or go enjoy some conversation with the hip couple over organic strawberry whole wheat pancakes?</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/jane-austens-wastebasket/daily-itinerary-of-a-woman-who-wears-her-bathrobe-to-brunch-32a450fde42c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>