Daily Itinerary of a Woman Who Wears Her Bathrobe to Brunch

<p>We&rsquo;ve all been there: It&rsquo;s a calm Sunday, you&rsquo;re freshly showered, enjoying a steaming cup of coffee, indulging in the fluffy decadence that is your head-to-toe-length bathrobe.</p> <p>Now, your well-meaning husband reminds you that you have plans to meet the couple that lives in the apartment below (who you&rsquo;re desperately trying to befriend because they&rsquo;re much cooler than you, and do things like visit farmer&rsquo;s markets) for brunch.</p> <p>You have to choose: cancel your plans, remain in the bathrobe, luxuriating in its fluffy folds? Or go enjoy some conversation with the hip couple over organic strawberry whole wheat pancakes?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/jane-austens-wastebasket/daily-itinerary-of-a-woman-who-wears-her-bathrobe-to-brunch-32a450fde42c"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>