I embarrassed myself in front of a principal engineer because I couldn’t write a Bash script.
<p>The lesson he taught me was super valuable.</p>
<p>I’ve written on this blog before about scratchpads — scraps of code that can run your production code rapidly. Scratchpads are a big key to quick feedback loops and fast iteration.</p>
<p>When you tighten feedback loops, you make yourself a better developer.</p>
<p>I usually write my scratchpad scripts in Python. It’s what I’m most familiar with, so it’s usually fastest.</p>
<p>This week — pairing with a principal engineer — I learned the power of a Bash scratchpad. Along they way, I embarrassed myself with how little I knew about writing shell scripts.</p>
<h1>Why Bash?</h1>
<p>The syntax is kind of arcane and there are many gotchas. Why write a script in Bash that could easily be written in Python?</p>
<p><a href="https://blog.developerpurpose.com/i-embarrassed-myself-in-front-of-a-principal-engineer-because-i-couldnt-write-a-bash-script-cd84931f5b22"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>