Why I jumped a San Francisco BART Fare Gate

<p>My Clipper Card&mdash;well the Google Pay version of my Clipper Card&mdash;scanned fine, but the fare gate wouldn&rsquo;t open. This has happened to me before, and OF COURSE, it would happen again today in the midst of holiday prep. Frustrated, my heart racing, I jumped the gate like a novice hurdler and hustled down the escalator to find an SFO-bound train screaming into the station. The 10-car, 2-door (read: old) train came to a stop, the doors opened and I hopped on. It wasn&rsquo;t until I finally slid into a seat and heard the doors close that I exhaled.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*tzBgm8q-OmMH84Q-eGQVVQ.png" style="height:481px; width:700px" /></p> <p>The direct message I sent to BART that went unanswered.</p> <p>I really didn&rsquo;t intend to steal from BART. I&rsquo;m car-less&mdash;like many Bay Area residents&mdash;and I am a big supporter of San Francisco&rsquo;s great public transit system(s). I could have waited for an agent I suppose, but I would have certainly missed my train and my Mother was waiting for me at the airport.</p> <p><a href="https://thebolditalic.com/why-i-jumped-a-san-francisco-bart-fare-gate-cd5ad1905040"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: BART fare