The Shadow of the Wind — Discover Barcelona with Zafón

<p>I think it was thanks to a high school classmate of mine that I discovered Carlos Ruiz Zaf&oacute;n back in 2006/2007. From what I can remember, she highly suggested that I read his books and lent me &ldquo;The Shadow of the Wind&rdquo;. From that moment, I became a huge fan of this Spanish author.</p> <p>Back in 2007 I was only sixteen, and I started to travel alone with friends throughout Europe. Like every Italian teenager, I went several times to Barcelona, and I guess that my love for the city also strengthened the passion I had, and still have, for Carlos Ruiz Zaf&oacute;n&rsquo;s books, most of which are set in this city.</p> <p>Many of you have read &ldquo;The Shadow of the Wind&rdquo; by Carlos Ruiz Zaf&oacute;n, a worldwide bestseller, and have been to Barcelona at least once. Nevertheless, let me say a few words about one of my favorite books and one of my favorite cities in the world, as a small tribute to this great author who passed away last June.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>