Finding Lisbon’s lost soul in its barbeque chicken

<p>The restaurant was a recommendation from a native&nbsp;<em>Lisboeta,&nbsp;</em>a friend from home who reassured me it is&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;without doubt, the best chicken you&rsquo;ll ever eat.&rdquo;</em></p> <p>The reviews online agree yet also consistently knock the service. Herein lies the conundrum, how bad could it really be? Hungry and uninhibited (Margaritas anyone?) my girlfriend Alex and I accepted the challenge.</p> <p>Located on a quiet residential street where aged, tile-faced blocks mirror each other down a narrow road,&nbsp;<em>Frangasqueira Nacional</em>&nbsp;is tucked away amongst the shadows. The only indication of its location; a snaking line of pilgrims clogging the doorway.</p> <p>Outside, the smell is all-consuming. An earthy, charcoal aroma tinged with a back of the throat, saliva-inducing sweetness. Charred timber mixed with cooking meat.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>