Banking is Beyond Broken. Here’s How to Fix It OvernightBanking

<p>For-profit banking is destroying the economy, the planet, and human well-being.</p> <p>Right now, human beings are enslaved to banks to the tune of $300 trillion.</p> <p>And that number isn&rsquo;t slowing down.</p> <p>Because that&rsquo;s not how compound interest works.</p> <p>Archaeologists have discovered ancient cuneiform tablets that taught Babylonian accountants how debt destroys society:</p> <ol> <li>The real economy (growing crops, building houses, etc) grows incrementally, but the parasite economy (interest, rents, shareholder profits) compounds exponentially.</li> <li>Inevitably, the parasite economy demands so much interest, rent, and profit from the real economy that the real economy grinds to a halt (and all the smart young people flee, like what&rsquo;s happening in Canada right now.)</li> <li>Eventually, when the masses have been reduced to debt peonage and rent slavery, a bloody revolution takes place and the parasite class loses their heads (see: Rome, France, etc)</li> </ol> <p>But the Babylonians were smart. They wanted to avoid stages 2 and 3, so they declared debt jubilees every eleven years on average.</p> <p>Israel was commanded by Yahweh to take it a step further and not only jubilee the debt every seven years but ban interest altogether. They ignored the command, which left them in a perpetually weakened state that allowed them to continually get smoked by the Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, etc.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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