I Ate TWO Bananas Daily for 66 Days

<h2>Habit building &mdash; 21 days vs. 66 days</h2> <p>To form a habit takes 21 days and has been misinterpreted often for many years.</p> <p>All of my previous challenges are around 35 days long.</p> <p>If I don&rsquo;t enjoy a challenge in the first 1&ndash;2 weeks, I leave it for some time, especially if it&rsquo;s not helping.</p> <p>The notion of developing a 66-day challenge is related to Dr. Maxwell Maltz.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/i-ate-two-bananas-daily-for-66-days-5bce884bd96f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bananas Daily