Why “Ballot Box Biology” is the greatest threat to hunting in Pennsylvania.

<p>It&rsquo;s already happened elsewhere and now it&rsquo;s in Pennsylvania. The thing that can end hunting and conservation as we know it. It&rsquo;s not the anti hunters. It&rsquo;s not Chronic Wasting Disease. It&rsquo;s not the housing developments. It&rsquo;s not even the poachers. It&rsquo;s called &ldquo;ballot box biology&rdquo; and most of us don&rsquo;t even know the phrase, though it destroys hunting more than anything else.</p> <p>You may have heard about it&rsquo;s effects though. Pennsylvania&rsquo;s neighbor to the east is dealing with the fallout of &ldquo;ballot box biology&rdquo; taking root. It&rsquo;s bear hunters have been on a roller coaster ride as their season has been ripped from them, promised again, canceled again and they are now at the mercy and whims of what serves politicians instead of what serves hunters and the wildlife they conserve.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Bucktailpath/why-ballot-box-biology-is-the-greatest-threat-to-hunting-in-pennsylvania-a9b2e8e9d5f1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ballot box