You had me at baby eagles: Sibling rivalry, flexible parenting, and the conservation of bald eagles

<p>Did I get your attention? If not, how about this:</p> <p>Rescuing baby eagles. Tree climbing with baby eagles. Sibling rivalry with &mdash; wait for it &mdash; baby eagles.</p> <p>Do you really have something better going on than baby eagles?</p> <p>This story is about baby bald eagles, or, as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists might say,&nbsp;<em>Haliaeetus leucocephalus</em>&nbsp;eaglets. It&rsquo;s about rescuing them from gruesome deaths and protecting airplanes from bird strikes. It&rsquo;s about teamwork, innovation, and some highly flexible parenting.</p> <p>This story is about rehoming baby eagles, one bird at a time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: bald eagles